Studying in Turkey is a dream for many students, and Turkey has succeeded in attracting a large number of international students by creating the appropriate environment for them in all respects and by developing Turkish universities significantly, and in order to study in Turkey you do not have to obtain international certificates or enter difficult exams And so on, you can only apply through your high school diploma and start your unique experience in Turkey, now let's get to know more details about traveling and studying in Turkey.

Why study in Turkey?

Studying in Turkey has many benefits for the student, as Turkish universities are considered one of the most important universities in the world because they contain a strong and advanced technological infrastructure and because they have educational cadres at a high level of science, and one of the most important advantages of studying in Turkey is the comfortable university environment, where universities provide all Comforts for its students from housing and other recreational amenities such as playgrounds, gymnasiums and social activities.

The Republic of Turkey is very interested in supporting its education system, as it has increased the amount of academic spending by 700% since 2005 and has built many new universities, making it one of the most spending countries on education, and this has contributed greatly to the development of the educational environment for studying in Turkey.

On the other hand, the costs of studying in Turkey are relatively low compared to the rest of European and Asian countries, not to mention that living is also inexpensive for the Arab student in particular, and this is one of the most important reasons for students to study in Turkey because Turkey offers you international quality education at low costs.

How much does studying in Turkey cost?

The cost of studying in Turkey for public universities ranges between 150 and 2500 dollars per year, as for private universities, the costs range from 3000 to 20 thousand dollars per year in addition to the cost of purchasing books and some administrative fees whose cost does not exceed 100 dollars, and tuition costs vary according to the specialization in which You want to study it as it varies from one university to another.

Is it possible to study in Turkey for free?

The Turkish government annually offers the Turkish Scholarship Program for Foreign Students (Turkiye burslari), which is the best scholarship program in the world. The scholarship covers the costs of study, accommodation, and airline tickets for the duration of the student's stay in Turkey. It also provides a monthly stipend for the student.

Registration for the scholarship begins at the beginning of each year, and more than 100,000 students from all over the world apply for it and try 5,000 students are accepted. You can also support your file by attaching certificates of volunteer work or social activities.

Is the Turkish language difficult?

There are some specialties that are taught in the Turkish language, and the fact is that the Turkish language is one of the easiest languages ​​that can be learned, especially for Arab students, as the Turkish language contains more than 5000 Arabic words, and the Turkish people love students and you will not find a problem in communicating with them and developing your language, And your learning of the Turkish language means that you can speak a language spoken by more than 300 million people, and to facilitate learning the Turkish language there are many institutes concerned with teaching the Turkish language, which means that you will not find any difficulty in learning the language and it is good to know that thousands of Arab students are proficient in the Turkish language.

How much does a student cost of living in Turkey?

The student needs one semester from 700 to 2500 dollars, and the amount varies according to the type of housing that the student will choose. Housing rent, bills, and some other things that may make him spend more.

In contrast to many countries, studying in Turkey is considered the least expensive among other countries, and given the excellent educational quality of Turkish universities and Turkey's beautiful nature and ancient historical civilization, the costs of studying in Turkey are very appropriate.

Is studying in Turkey recognized?

Turkish universities are considered one of the best universities in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, and of course, all Turkish universities are globally recognized, and even the rate of employment after graduation in many universities has reached more than 60 percent, and this indicates that the Turkish certificate is in great demand in the labor market.

Private Turkish universities adopt the English language for study, as well as most public universities, teach some disciplines in English, and all universities adopt the European credit system AKTS in all subjects, and this is what makes Turkish universities globally recognized.

How to study in Turkey

You can study in Turkey in two steps:

Registration in Turkish private universities: Registration in Turkish private universities requires obtaining a high school diploma with a rate of more than 80% for medical disciplines such as human medicine and dentistry, and a rate of more than 60% for the rest of the disciplines, tuition fees in private universities range from 3000 to 20000 dollars depending on the university and specialization.

Registration in public universities: Public universities require some certificates as a prerequisite for admission, such as the YÖS exam certificate, which is an exam for international students who want to study at a public university. Each university does its own YÖS exam, and YÖS certificates can be accepted from other universities.

Advantages of studying in Turkey

• Study costs in Turkey are low compared to other countries.

• Comfortable living for Arab students, as all necessary services are provided to them.

• The Turkish language is not difficult compared to some other languages ​​such as Russian and others, and it can be learned easily and there are many Arabic words.

• Students can practice their practical training in hospitals or companies under the supervision of the university.

• A globally recognized certificate.

• Many universities adopt English as their official language.

• The university gives the student a preparatory year to learn Turkish or English.

• Turkey has great cultural wealth, as it has embraced hundreds of civilizations and cultures throughout history.

• The charming beauty in Turkey, where the student can go out on trips with friends to wonderful tourist places will keep him a wonderful memory.

• Documents required to study in Turkey

  • A valid passport
  • High school diploma translated into Turkish and certified by the Ministry of Education.
  • Transcript of grades translated into Turkish and certified by the Ministry of Education.
  • Yös or SAT exam certificate to study in some public universities.

How to apply to study in Turkey

To apply to Turkish universities, you must follow the following steps:

  1. First, you have to prepare your application file as mentioned above
  2. Second, contact our educational advisor to get answers to all your questions.
  3. Third, send a copy of your passport, certificate, and transcript to your educational advisor.
  4. Fourth, after obtaining the initial acceptance, pay the first payment to the university's account.
  5. Fifthly, after payment you will get the final acceptance.
  6. Sixth, after obtaining the final acceptance, go to the Turkish embassy with the rest of the papers to apply for the study visa.

In case you have any other inquiries or need any help regarding studying in Turkey, all you have to do is contact our educational advisor and get answers to all your questions.

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